Recent Podcasts

The Iron Triangle – Episode 9

In this episode, the Outsiders delve into the Iron Triangle and discuss dealing with the critical project constraints of cost/resources, time and scope. Is there a silver bullet to address these age-old constraints? Is there a lever a Product Owner can pull to tackle them wisely? Listen in to find out.

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Inclusive Design with Derek Featherstone – Episode 8

We welcome Derek Featherstone, internationally-known speaker, author, and Chief eXperience Officer at Level Access. Derek walks the Product Outsiders through the difference between accessibility and inclusive design, how Product discovery can be used to improve your success in this realm, and how all companies can take steps to make positive progress in making products that work for everyone.

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Product Lessons from Nanowrimo

Product Lessons from Nanowrimo – Episode 6

Nanowrimo and Product Management – Two ideas that seem incongruent on the surface, are creatively tied together by the Product Outsiders as they talk about their own NaNoWriMo experiences and how lessons learned during their writing journeys can be applied to building great products.

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Outputs Outcomes & Impacts – Episode 5

A Deep dive into output vs. outcome & impact. Organizations won’t be successful if they are delivering things faster, but the things being delivered aren’t hitting the mark with customers and consequently growing the business. What seems like a simple concept isn’t necessarily an easy one to embrace

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What Makes a Good Product Manager with Jess Lewis - Episode 4

What Makes a Good Product Manager with Jess Lewis – Episode 4

Continuing our cross-discipline interview series, we have User Experience Designer Jess Lewis joining us for a great chat to find out what it is that they see as what makes a Product Manager click with a team to create and grow a great healthy product team. We also dig into what the biggest differences and similarities are between working within a corporate product team and an agency, along with how user experience folks jam with product folks.

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What Makes a Good Product Manager? with Aaron Roberts – Episode 3

We had the chance to sit down with one of our favorite Software Engineers to talk through what makes a Good Product Manager from the point of view of Development. We’ve had the opportunity to work with him previously, and it was a joy to dig into what he sees as both the good & the bad when it comes to product management when building products.

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The Myth of the Single Wringable Neck – Episode 2

If you’ve been around Product Management (or are a Product Manager), you’ve either heard the phrase ‘Single Wringable Neck’, or even more, that Product Managers are ‘The CEO of the Product’. We chat about these myths, along with the idea that making and designing products really is a team sport.

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Communication & Product Mindset – Episode 1

Communication and the Product Mindset, both things that might seem simple in concept but really hard to master – join us as we talk through whether over-communication is even a thing as a Product Manager, and what we see as the main difference between having a project mindset and a product mindset.

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Are We Recording? Season 1 – Episode 0

Our first episode is all about introductions. Introducing ourselves and what we each would like to get out of doing this podcast together, along with a few fun anecdotes (ceiling fan trauma, anyone?) from our hosts, Amber, Will, and Tammy.

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Closing up Shop

Dear Loyal Listeners and Podcast Guests,

Thank you for your involvement with Product Outsiders. Whether you’ve been a guest on our show, listened to just one episode or listened to them all, we appreciate you.

To everything there is a season, and we’ve decided to close up the podcast to focus on other endeavors. The three of us still have very strong opinions about building great products and anticipate sharing those opinions in other forums, as we can’t help ourselves. It’s just how we’re wired.

Thank you for being on this journey with us. We’ve learned and we’ve had fun – we hope you have too.

Until next time, stay gold outsiders!